

Select a tag, or search for text.

As you can probably tell, the new web site is up. It took a little bit longer than expected, primarily due to the reasons mentioned in my previous post, but it's now done. There are still a few very minor tweaks left for me to do, but it is very usable in the meantime. As in the previous version of the site, I have a weblog, and also all of my pictures. Rather than having the pictures in albums, however, I've moved them over to a tag/category system like the weblog posts have been for some time. By default, all blog posts and photos are retrieved, and you then have the ability to filter the results by choosing one or more tags. You can also search for text, though many of my pictures still don't have proper titles, as I haven't gotten around to it yet.

In addition to the blog and photos, my movie list has made a return, and I have added my music collection as well. I have also added a list of wines that I have tasted since taking Wines, Vines and You in college, which gives my own take on the wines.

I'd also like to note that although I've finally posted my pictures from Las Vegas and California up through two weeks ago, I haven't quite finished the photos from Crater Lake and Redwood. I'm hoping to finish them by this coming weekend.

Posted by nick.steinbaugh at 12:34 AM
Filed under: Web Site, Photos